The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (2024)

The Origin of the Term “Going Postal”

September 19, 2011Scott

Today I found out where the term “Going Postal” came from.

It seems to be common knowledge that if you have a co-worker who appears they might take out a 9mm handgun and play target practice with all the panicking office help, you would say, “he’s about to go postal!” It also seems like common sense then, that this could be because postal workers are a little on edge, that they will fly off the handle and kill everyone in sight if they don’t get their 15 min. smoke break. It turns out, that’s not really the case, but who’s to let facts get in the way of a good established term and public perception?

The first known publication of the term “Going Postal” was in the St. Petersburg Times on December 17, 1993. In his article Violence at work tied to loss of esteem, Karl Vick stated; “The symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service, which has seen so many outbursts that in some circles excessive stress is known as ‘going postal…”

Later that month, on December 31st, the Los Angeles Times published an article The year in review, 1993 in which they stated; “Unlike the more deadly mass shootings around the nation, which have lent a new term to the language, referring to shooting up the office as “going postal,…” It isn’t known who exactly started the phrase “going postal” but what is clear is that it was already a common phrase among Americans at that time.

The stereotype was undoubtedly due to several incidents involving postal workers from 1986 to 1993. On August 20, 1986 postman Patrick Sherrill walked into his workplace, shot and killed 14 co-workers and injured 6 more before shooting himself in the head. On October 10, 1991 a former US postal worker, Joseph Harris, killed two employees at a post office in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Then, on November 14th of that same year, after being fired, Thomas Mcilvane killed 4 people and then himself at a Royal Oak, Michigan post office. In a terrible coincidence, on May 6th 1993, two separate shootings took place. The first one was at a post office in Dearborn, Michigan, where Lawrence Jasion killed one person and wounded three before killing himself. Within a few hours of that, in Dana Point, California, Mark Richard Hilbun killed his mother, and then shot two postal workers.

It isn’t hard to see from these shootings where the public might get the idea that the postal service had some issues; the media was sure to follow. The postal service itself wasn’t taking a blind eye to the problem and in 1993 they created eighty five “Workplace Environment Analysts” positions. The positions were to help with violence prevention and workplace improvement.

Further, in 2000, the Postmaster General commissioned The National Center On Addiction And Substance Abuse for recommendations on how the Postal Service could provide their workers with the safest possible work environment. This report provided some interesting findings. It found that “Postal workers are no more likely to physically assault, sexually harass, or verbally abuse their coworkers than employees in the national workforce.” And that “Postal employees are only a third as likely as those in the national workforce to be victims of homicide at work.”

This might seem like a win for the Postal Service, but the report also showed some glaring problems. It found that Postal Workers were six times more likely to believe they were in danger from other co-workers; that Postal Workers were less likely to believe their employer would take action against violence by non-employees; and that they were more likely to fear being attacked at work. The most astonishing finding was that workers were more likely to agree that managers and supervisors try to provoke employees to violence. Due to the overwhelming negative viewpoint of these workers, despite the facts, it would seem the postal service had some very poor morale.

So while the postal service itself states that there is no evidence to suggest that their workers are more violent than others, American slang took a different view. We now have a very convenient term to use when we see a crazy angry person!

Bonus Facts:

  • Further postal service incidents occurred twice in 2006 where postal workers gave in to the urge to shoot their fellow workmates. On January 30th, Jennifer San Marco killed six postal employees before committing suicide. Then, on April 4th, Grant Gallaher murdered his supervisor in the parking lot of their post office, reportedly because he couldn’t find the postmaster to complain about said supervisor, so he felt shooting her was the next best option.
  • Of the 6,719 workplace homicides from 1992 to 1998, only 16 were postal employees related.
  • Workers in the retail trade are eight times likelier than postal employees to be victims of homicide at work while taxi drivers are 150 times likelier. “Going Taxi Driver” just doesn’t quite have the same ring I suppose.
  • Benjamin Franklin was the first Postmaster General.
  • Peach Springs, AZ, Post Office has walk-in freezers for food destined for delivery to the bottom of the Grand Canyon by mule train.
  • Clinton is the most common Post Office name; madison is the second; and Franklin and Washington are tied for third.
  • The Postal Service has a larger retail network than McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Wal-Mart combined (in US).
  • There are more than 42,000 ZIP codes in the United States
  • Once the ZIP code system was put in place, the U.S. Postal Service only required that bulk mailers use the ZIP codes, though they wanted everyone to use them. The Postal Service struggled, in the beginning, to get the general public to start using the zip codes. They eventually more or less decided to give up on convincing adults and instead they created a cartoon character “Mr. ZIP” in order to try to get kids to start using ZIP codes. They figured that the kids would then encourageparentsto use the ZIP codes when they saw their parents leaving the ZIP codes out on mail. Further, when the kids grew older, they would teach their kids to use ZIP codes.
  • Mr. ZIP was based on a design by Howard Wilcox, who was the son of a letter carrier. This was a design done for a New York bank that was a child-like sketch of a postman delivering a letter. After AT&Tacquiredthe rights to the design, they made it available to the Postal Service to use at no cost. The Postal Service then made a few minor modifications and Mr. ZIP was born.
  • The term “ZIP code” was originally registered as a servicemark, which is a type of trademark, by the U.S. Postal Service, but the registration has since expired allowing companies like UPS and FedEx to use the term freely.
  • You can actually print the Postnet barcode directly onto your mail piece to make it slightly easier for the Postal Service to sort your mail (mainly skipping the step where they have to scan your mail and print the barcode on it). Manyword-processingprograms, such as Microsoft Word, include a feature for doing this.
  • Before the 1970s, the United States Postal Service (USPS) was named the United States Post Office Department (USPOD).
  • Interestingly, the ZIP code system was first introduced because the Postal Service was beginning to be overwhelmed with the volume of mail they needed to process in a timely manner, most of which originally was processed by hand. The ZIP code system made a handy way to increase efficiency in that way. However, only a few years after the ZIP code system wasintroducedin the 1960s, the Postal Service began using the MLOCR system for automatic sorting. Given the address, even without the ZIP code, the MLOCR system is almost always perfectly capable of assigning the ZIP+4 code to the address, with very little mail needing to be human-read to determine the correct address/ZIP code. So in most cases, including the ZIP or ZIP+4 code with the writtenaddressdoesn’t really increase mail efficiency much at all as the Postal Service’s initial scanning system can come up with those numbers for your written address on its own.
  • The lowest ZIP Code is 00501 in Holtsville, NY. The highest ZIP Code is 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.
  • The easiest ZIP Code to remember is 12345, a unique ZIP Code for General Electric in Schenectady, NY.
  • The longest regular rural route is Route 2 in Gridley, KS. The carrier travels 182.8 miles daily and delivers to 258 boxes. The shortest rural delivery route is Route 42 in Henderson, NV. The carrier travels 2.9 miles daily and delivers to 952 boxes.

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  • Donna Collins

    September 26, 201210:58 am

    The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (6)

    I was at the post office in Houston (1986) with my 2 year old daughter picking up a package about 20 minutes before the postal employee opened fire on that location. It devastated the entire metro of Houston. I remember not toouch later people using the term “postal” for an angry outburst. A job transfer took us out of Texas in 1991, but it was several years before then that we used “postal” when referring to violent behavior.

  • Mel B

    July 11, 201512:51 pm

    The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (7)

    You think working at the post office will drive you mad? At least they pay well for the nonsense. Try working at UPS; wait, don’t. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Every job has its nonsense, but this company, especially the main Dallas hub, is run by people who can’t even manage their own lives, let alone people. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone eventually goes “postal” at a UPS or FedEx. And, those poor packages. Don’t ship, unless you must, and always insure.

  • Charles Jayson Giordano

    December 14, 20153:41 pm

    The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (8)

    I work at the New Jersey Network Distribution Center 80 County Ave. Jersey City N. J. I have worked there for 18+ years. The supervisor I work for WENT POSTAL on me and put me into a position in which I had no choice but to defend myself. It is because of Postal Workers like this supervisor the term GOING POSTAL came to be. If you want to know the whole story GOOGLE “The Postal Service Has Shown They Are Above The Law” the next to the last story down by Charlie At the NDC the sad fact is: Every one out there pays the price when supervisors like him GO POSTAL and his friends in management and in the union try to cover what they do up. I have been on suspension for over 2 years. These managers, supervisors and union representatives involved are trying to get me to resign of mine own accord. But I will never resign because it was this supervisor that attacked me. But rest assured these managers, supervisors and union representatives will spend as much of YOUR MONEY as it takes to find a way to remove me from the Postal Service even if it takes 10 years. So when the price of stamps goes up and the quality of service goes down you know why. Have a Blessed Holiday Season. Merry Christmas.

    • Tammy Mallery Lanham

      January 23, 20202:02 pm

      The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (9)

      I just saw your response today… curious how the situation turned out for you? Govt beaurocracy is the worst, I cannot imagine the red tape involved in your case!

      Last year I retired from a 30 year teaching career because of the lack of rights I had (as an employee dealing with impossible work expectations on top of false accusations of students)..

      Anyway, looked up the term (going postal) as I explained to my daughter. her grad work is learning about the uni-bomber and white powdery substances being a possible danger for mail handlers)….


    February 29, 201610:37 am

    The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (10)

    I worked for the Los Angeles Pigeon-Hole Jungle (a.k.a. Postal Service for nine years in the ‘sixties and ‘seventies. First, “ZIP” stands for “Zone Improvement Program”. In 1966 I submitted an award-winning suggestion to change the labels over mail drops in city branch offices from “Zoned” and “Unzoned” to “Coded” and “Uncoded.” Second, I was working there in August 1970 when a supervisor named Harry Sendrow was gunned down at the entrance to the Terminal Annex – then the main 7-24-365 postal facility in Los Angeles. The perpetrator had been sent home either inebriated or drugged, but in any event intolerable and returned gunning for the General Foreman who had sent him home. Unable to confront him, he instead killed Sendrow, the line foreman who had been dispatched in his stead.


    March 1, 201610:49 am

    The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (11)

    Having sent the last ítem above and since read the one preceding it, I was reminded of an effort by a line foreman to provoke me to violence. At the end of a tour one night in June 1967, Ronald Dunlap, a supervisor at the Los Angeles Post Office, having earlier participated enthusiastically in an effort to effect my removal on trumped-up charges of fondling a female employee, engaged me in apparently innocuous, low-level (decibel and otherwise) conversation in which he repeated a question to which I had already answered “yes”, suddenly began stalking toward me, eyes shooting flame. “Don’t you ever shout at me, Brackney”, he railed. “Don’t you EVER shout! ‘Cause I’ll get you OUTTA here!” Other employees looked on anxiously, expecting violence. I thrust both arms behind my back, locking each forearm in the opposite hand and backed resolutely away. If he had failed to effect my removal on the fakery of the earlier charges, he must now fail to provoke me into raising my hand to him. This was only one of many instances which led to my ultimately leaving not only he USPO but the US in 1972.

  • Fred Witte

    May 16, 20207:46 pm

    The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (13)

    Yes, but actually older than that. It’s to put your stamp on it – saying to the World your belief *(loudly). No kidding, originally. It was like post Medieval Ages when the phrase started as a kind of “Taking it to the Streets” action among the richer persons, you know perfumed letters for ladies and wax stamped ones for men. Don’t let concurrent issue smack you on the face.

The Origin of the Term "Going Postal" (2024)


The Origin of the Term "Going Postal"? ›

The origin of the phrase derives from a series of incidents involving U.S. Postal workers, who shot and killed fellow workers and members of the public in 1986. The first recorded use was in an article by Karl Vick's 'Violence at work tied to loss of esteem', published on December 17th 1993 in the St.

Why do they say don't go postal? ›

In August 1986, for instance, a postman in Oklahoma shot and killed 14 people in the post office where he worked before turning the gun on himself. It's unclear why US postal workers should be particularly liable to bouts of murderous rage but the phrase 'going postal' entered the language in the mid-1990s.

What is going postal slang? ›

Going postal is an American English slang phrase referring to becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment.

Where did the term post office originate? ›

The term "post-office" has been in use since the 1650s, shortly after the legalisation of private mail services in England in 1635.

What does "going postal" mean in urban dictionary? ›

Urban Dictionary definition of "going postal" -- "as originally coined from a series of real life shootings in the postal service, it now usually means that someone is about to go nuts or off the deep end. The reason for going postal is usually trivial.

Where did the phrase "going postal" start? ›

The origin of the phrase derives from a series of incidents involving U.S. Postal workers, who shot and killed fellow workers and members of the public in 1986. The first recorded use was in an article by Karl Vick's 'Violence at work tied to loss of esteem', published on December 17th 1993 in the St.

Why do we call it mail instead of post? ›

In the 19th century, the British typically used mail to refer to letters being sent abroad (i.e. on a ship) and post to refer to letters for domestic delivery. The word Post is derived from Old French poste, which ultimately stems from the past participle of the Latin verb ponere 'to lay down or place'.

What do mailmen call themselves? ›

The official title used by the USPS is letter carrier. We also answer to mailman, mail carrier, hey you, and other various names, some which I can not print. Many of my customers learned my name and used that name when conversing.

What is the current term for mailman? ›

A mail carrier, also referred to as a mailman, mailwoman, mailperson, postal carrier, postman, postwoman, postperson, person of post, letter carrier (in American English), or colloquially postie (in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom), is an employee of a post office or postal service who delivers ...

What is the British slang for mail? ›

In British English, the term used is "post" (never "postal mail").

What is the unofficial motto of the USPS? ›

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. While the Postal Service has no official motto, the popular belief that it does is a tribute to America's postal workers.

What is the meaning of R in post office? ›

First alphabet i.e., C describes registered parcel, E describes Speed Post, R describes Registered post.

Which president started the postal service? ›

In the nearly 250 years since Benjamin Franklin was appointed our first Postmaster General in 1775, the Postal Service has grown and changed with America, boldly embracing new technologies to better serve a growing population.

What is the term for going postal? ›

To become aggressively or violently erratic. run amok. raise hell. get out of control. go on the rampage.

What does go postal on you mean? ›

: to suddenly behave in a very violent or angry way. She suddenly went postal and started yelling at the customers. If he calls me this late again, I'm going to go postal on him.

What does it mean when someone calls you a mailman? ›

/-men/ (also mail carrier, letter carrier); (UK postman) Add to word list Add to word list. a man whose job is to deliver and collect letters, etc.

Is it illegal for the postman not to deliver mail? ›

Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

What is the mail carrier's motto? ›

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" is a phrase long associated with the American postal worker.

Why wont the post office deliver my mail? ›

Postal workers are not obliged to deliver mail if free and safe access to the mailbox is not provided. A vehicle may be parked in front of it, or a fallen tree limb, a huge pile of snow, or some other object could be blocking the way.

Can I refuse to receive mail? ›

The United States Postal Service® will deliver the mail as addressed, but it does not have to be accepted. Without a specific reason to the contrary, mail sent to an address will be delivered.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.