Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Shuri Cosplay Costume (2024)

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Shuri Cosplay Costume (1) 24 customers have purchased this product


Sources: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Character: Shuri
Material: Thickiy Ronior, PU leather, Composited leather.
Package Include: Jumpsuits, Cloak, Belt, Ring, Pockets, Shoe covers.

Women's Costume Measurement Guide:


Tips - to choose the correct size for you, please measure your body as follows:

Please DON'T only choose the size according to your height although height is the major reference.
Please be sure to measure your bust/waist/hips, some customers need to measure belly if it's bigger than normal.
When you don't know which size to choose between two sizes, please choose the larger size. Thanks.

1. Height
The measurement from head to foot (from top to floor).

2. Chest/Bust
The circumference of the largest part of your chest. For women, please measure at the fullest part of your bust, wrap it around, you may want to know about bra size switch to bust size.

3. Waist
The circumference of the smallest part of your waist.

4. Hips
The circumference of the largest part of your hips.

*The size charts updated on October 23rd, 2019.

Shoes Measurement Guide:

Please note:
1, Please provide shoes size if your order includes shoes. If you want to provide foot length with inch/cm, please end number with inch or cm, otherwise just provide a number for the shoes size.
2, For female cosplay boots, foot length over 26.5 CM can't be made with high heel, will be made with flat bottom.
3, Calf Around: The circumference of widest part of your calf(shanks).

Shoe Size Chart - Women's Sizes

Processing Time: 10-15 days (Please note we need at least 10 days to tailor costume before shipping)

Estimated Delivery Date
August/22/2024 - August/26/2024

'+ '

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if (el.type=='radio') { var radios = this.upDiv(el).getElementsByClassName('radio'); for (i=0; i < radios.length; i++) { this.returnSelect(radios[i]); } } else { this.returnSelect(el); } if (el.type && el.type=='checkbox' && !el.checked) { this.decorateIsLast(); return false; } if (el.disabled) return false; if (el.value>0) { // prepare value var elValueArr = []; if (el.multiple) { for (i=0; i < el.options.length; i++) { if (el.options[i].selected) elValueArr.push(el.options[i].value); } } else { elValueArr.push(el.value); } var mElementId =; var dSelects = []; var isRequire = false; for (i=0; i < elValueArr.length; i++) { if (!this.dependentData[elValueArr[i]]) continue; this.dependentData[elValueArr[i]].each(function(IGI){ if (this.inGroupIdData[IGI]) { for(var dElementId in this.inGroupIdData[IGI]) { if (dElementId!='dependency' && dElementId!='out_of_stock' && dElementId!='view_mode' && $(dElementId)) { if (this.inGroupIdData[IGI][dElementId]) { var dElement = $(dElementId); if (!this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId]) this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId] = []; if (!this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]) this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId] = []; this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['disabled'] = true; if (this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['is_require']) { isRequire = true; } else { isRequire = $(dElement).hasClassName('required-dependent'); } this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['is_require'] = isRequire; if (!this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]) this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId] = []; if ((dElement.type=='select-one' || dElement.type=='select-multiple') && !$(dElement).hasClassName('datetime-picker')) { // if [multi]select var selectValue = 's'+this.inGroupIdData[IGI][dElementId]; // if el not modified -> backup default options and clear if (!this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']) { this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'] = []; var opSelected = false; for (ii=0; ii < dElement.options.length; ii++) { if (this.defaultData[dElementId] && (this.defaultData[dElementId]==dElement.options[ii].value || this.defaultData[dElementId][dElement.options[ii].value])) opSelected = true; 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} // set class required-entry if (isRequire) { $(dElement).removeClassName('required-dependent'); if (dElement.type=='checkbox' || dElement.type=='radio') { $(dElement).addClassName('validate-one-required-by-name'); } else { $(dElement).addClassName('required-entry'); } } // add or init dependent element if ((dElement.type=='select-one' || dElement.type=='select-multiple') && !$(dElement).hasClassName('datetime-picker')) { // if [multi]select var selectValue = 's'+this.inGroupIdData[IGI][dElementId]; if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][selectValue]) { dSelects.push(dElement); // after add data to this [multi]select } } else { // if radio, checkbox, text, etc. if (this.defaultData[dElementId] && ($(dElementId).type=='checkbox' || $(dElementId).type=='radio') && this.inGroupIdData[IGI].dependency==this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['use'].length) $(dElementId).click(); } } } } } } }.bind(this)); } if (dSelects.length>0) { for (i=0; i < dSelects.length; i++) { var dElement = dSelects[i]; var dElementId =; // add data to [multi]select this.rememberNewSelected(dElement, dElementId); if (dElement.multiple) dElement.length = 0; else dElement.length = 1; // clear select for(var opValue in this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']) { if (!this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'].hasOwnProperty(opValue) || !this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue] || !this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'] || this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'].length < this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['dependency']) continue; var newOpt = new Option(this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['text'], opValue.substr(1)); newOpt.disabled = this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['disabled']; if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['selected']) { newOpt.selected = true; //if (!newOpt.disabled) setTimeout('$("'+dElementId+'"));', '100'); } dElement.options.add(newOpt); } dElement.onchange(); } } this.decorateIsLast(); } }, // cancel changes and return default options params returnSelect: function(el) { var mElementId =; var i = 0; // reset main image to parent image option if dependent option has no image if (this.dependentChanges['d'][mElementId] && this.dependentChanges['d'][mElementId]['use']) { var dmElement = $(mElementId); if (dmElement.checked) { optionImages.showImage(dmElement); this.dependentChanges['d'][mElementId]['use'].each(function(el){ optionImages.showImage($(el)); }); } } if (this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId] && !this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId]['is_used']) { this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId]['is_used'] = true; for(var dElementId in this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId]) { if (!this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId].hasOwnProperty(dElementId) || dElementId=='is_used' || !$(dElementId)) continue; var dElement = $(dElementId); var disableElFlag = true; // disable dependent el if (this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['disabled']) { if (this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['options'] && this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']) { // to [multi]select this.rememberNewSelected(dElement, dElementId); // remove options if not use main el for (i=0; i < this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['options'].length; i++) { opValue = this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['options'][i]; if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue] && this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'] && this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'].length>0) { this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'] = this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'].without(mElementId); if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['use'].length < this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['dependency']) { $$("#"+dElementId+" option[value='"+opValue.substr(1)+"']").each(function(elOp){ elOp.remove(); }); } else { disableElFlag = false; } } } if (disableElFlag && (dElement.length>1 || (dElement.multiple && dElement.length>0))) disableElFlag = false; dElement.onchange(); } else { // to radio, checkbox, text, etc. if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['use'] && this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['use'].length > 0) { this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['use'] = this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['use'].without(mElementId); if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['use'].length >= this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['dependency']) disableElFlag = false; } } if (disableElFlag) { dElement.disabled = true; // restore default if [multi]select if ((dElement.type=='select-one' || dElement.type=='select-multiple') && !$(dElement).hasClassName('datetime-picker')) { for(var opValue in this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']) { if (!this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'].hasOwnProperty(opValue) || !this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]) continue; var newOpt = new Option(this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['text'], opValue.substr(1)); newOpt.disabled = this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['disabled']; newOpt.selected = this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options'][opValue]['sel-def']; dElement.options.add(newOpt); } dElement.onchange(); } // hide if (this.dependentHide) { var hideDivFlag = true; if (dElement.type=='checkbox' || dElement.type=='radio') { $(dElement).up('li').style.display = 'none'; ulEl = $(dElement).up('li').up('ul'); if (ulEl) { lis = ulEl.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (i=0; i < lis.length; i++) { if (lis[i].style.display=='block') { hideDivFlag = false; break; } } } } if (hideDivFlag) this.upDiv(dElement).style.display = 'none'; } // require if (this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['is_require']) { if (dElement.type=='checkbox' || dElement.type=='radio') { $(dElement).removeClassName('validate-one-required-by-name'); } else { $(dElement).removeClassName('required-entry'); } $(dElement).addClassName('required-dependent'); } optionImages.showImage(dElement); } } // return dependent->dependent etc.. if (disableElFlag && (dElement.type=='checkbox' || dElement.type=='radio') && dElement.checked) { dElement.checked = false; if (dElement.type=='checkbox') optionSetQtyProduct.checkboxQty(dElement); dependentOptions.returnSelect(dElement); } else if ((dElement.type=='select-one' || dElement.type=='select-multiple') && !$(dElement).hasClassName('datetime-picker')) {; // that's right! } else if (disableElFlag && (dElement.type=='text' || dElement.type=='textarea' || dElement.type=='file')) { if (this.defaultData[dElementId]) dElement.value = this.defaultData[dElementId]; else dElement.value = ''; } } delete this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId]; } }, rememberNewSelected: function(dElement, dElementId) { // remember new selected if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId] && this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']) { var opSelected = false; for (i=0; i < dElement.options.length; i++) { if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']['s'+dElement.options[i].value]) { if (dElement.options[i].selected && dElement.options[i].value>0) opSelected = true; else opSelected = false; this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']['s'+dElement.options[i].value]['selected'] = opSelected; } } } }, // for ie to work upDiv: function(el) { if (el.type=='checkbox' || el.type=='radio') { var div = el.up(4); if (!$(div).hasClassName('option')) div = div.up(1); return div; } else { return el.up('div.option'); } }, decorateIsLast: function() { var divs = $$('div.option'); if (divs) { var dl = false; var dd = false; divs.each(function(div, index){ if (!='none' && !$(div).hasClassName('hidden')) { dl = div.down('dl'); if (dl) { if ($(dl).hasClassName('last')) $(dl).removeClassName('last'); dd = dl.down('dd'); if (dd && $(dd).hasClassName('last')) $(dd).removeClassName('last'); } } }.bind(this)); if (dl) $(dl).addClassName('last'); if (dd) $(dd).addClassName('last'); } }, applyDefaultValues: function(el) { for(var elementId in this.defaultData) { if (!this.defaultData.hasOwnProperty(elementId)) continue; if ($(elementId) && this.upDiv($(elementId)) && this.upDiv($(elementId)).style.display!="none") { this.returnSelect($(elementId)); if ($(elementId).type=='select-one' || $(elementId).type=='text' || $(elementId).type=='textarea') { $(elementId).value = this.defaultData[elementId]; } else if ($(elementId).type=='select-multiple') { el = $(elementId); for (i=0; i < el.options.length; i++) { if (this.defaultData[elementId][el.options[i].value]) el.options[i].selected = true; } } else if ($(elementId).type=='checkbox' || $(elementId).type=='radio') { if ($(elementId).checked!=true) $(elementId).click(); }$(elementId)); } } } }; // for correct decorating of options if (typeof(decorateGeneric)!='undefined') { var parentDecorateGeneric = decorateGeneric; decorateGeneric = function(elements, decorateParams) { parentDecorateGeneric(elements, decorateParams); dependentOptions.decorateIsLast(); }; } // Change Qty Input Invetory var optionsInventory = { changeInputQty: function(el) { if (!el) { return false; } var optionId = this._getOptionId(el); var valueId = el.value; if (el.type == 'radio') { var optionQty = $('options_'+optionId+'_qty'); } else if (el.type == 'checkbox') { var optionQty = $('options_'+optionId+'_'+valueId+'_qty'); } if (!optionQty) { return; } var minQty = 1; if (valueId != '' && opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty) { minQty = opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty; } $(optionQty).addClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); if (!el.checked) { minQty = 0; $(optionQty).removeClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); } this._changeDisabledQty(el, optionQty); optionQty.value = minQty; }, changeSelectQty: function(el) { if (!el) { return false; } var optionId = this._getOptionId(el); var valueIds = this._getValueIds(el); var optionQty = $('options_'+optionId+'_qty'); if (!optionQty) { return; } for (i=0; i < valueIds.length; i++) { var valueId = valueIds[i]; var minQty = 1; if (opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty) { minQty = opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty; } optionQty.value = minQty; } $(optionQty).addClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); }, changeMultiSelectQty: function(optionId, valueId, selected) { var optionQty = $('options_'+ optionId +'_'+ valueId +'_qty'); if (!optionQty) { return; } optionQty.disabled = !selected; if (selected) { var minQty = 1; if (opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty) { minQty = opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty; } if (optionQty.value<=0) { optionQty.value = minQty; } $(optionQty).addClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); } else { $(optionQty).removeClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); } }, _getValueIds: function(el) { var ids = []; for (i=0; i < el.options.length; i++) { if (el.options[i].selected && el.options[i].value != '') { ids.push(el.options[i].value); } } return ids; }, _getOptionId: function(el) { var optionId = 0;[0-9]+/, function(match){ optionId = match[0]; }); return optionId; }, _changeDisabledQty: function(el, qty) { qty.disabled=!el.checked; }, }; Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { $$("input[type^='checkbox'].product-custom-option, input[type^='radio'].product-custom-option").each(function(element){ Event.observe(element, 'change', function() { optionsInventory.changeInputQty(element); opConfig.reloadPrice(); }); }); $$("select[id^='select_'].product-custom-option").each(function(element){ Event.observe(element, 'change', function() { optionsInventory.changeSelectQty(element); opConfig.reloadPrice(); }); }); }); // end Change Qty Input Invetory //]]>

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    Article information

    Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5775

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

    Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

    Birthday: 2001-01-17

    Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

    Phone: +813077629322

    Job: Real-Estate Executive

    Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.